child portrait

    A non-refundable deposit of £99 is payable upon completion of the booking form.

    Please pay your £99 deposit via bank transfer to Jenniflower Photography
    Until your booking deposit is paid, your booking is not confirmed
    RBS account 19106811 Sort code 831531
    18 Maxwell Place, Stirling FK8 1JU
    Telephone 07737 413 670

    I confirm that the above details are correct, I have read and fully understood the schedule terms of the agreement of this contract and realise this contract becomes effective immediately. Copyright of images belongs to Jenniflower Photography however you may use your images to print for personal use if you choose to purchase the digital files at your preview session. You may not sell or use your images for publication without permission from Jenniflower Photography. A non-refundable session fee is payable upon completion of the booking form. Your appointment will not be confirmed unless the fee is paid at the time of booking. There is a limited number of spaces each month. It is very important that if you cannot attend that you call ahead to reschedule as soon as possible. You may not downgrade your package after booking but may upgrade at any time.

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